+3K Animation is delighted to have produced all character design and animation on SKY KIDS original series, My Friend Misty, which first...
Creativity & Storytelling Workshops
An eye-opening and motivational workshop experience to reinvigorate your teams creative mindset, inspire your workforce and help them to find their creative...
Willows guide to becoming a nature warrior
Although we try our best to look after the planet everyday, Earth Day is a great opportunity to remind ourselves that there...
Making Health and Safety Cool
In order to improve Stobart Rail’s already impressive Safety, Health and Environmental record, Plus3K Ltd developed a creative campaign with a difference...
Word on the street…
It is always a pleasure to work with Lou, she is amazingly creative, truly inspiring and professional. When Lou joins us to...
We published our first Children’s book
Here at +3K we first and foremost like to consider ourselves as storytellers. Being based in the beautiful Cumbria and having the...
Getting the most out of your fancy new animation
So you’ve just received your super exciting shiny new animated video ready to promote your business, idea or event to take over...